Thousands Of Swarming Termites | Middlesex Pest
A termite infestation is every homeowner’s worst nightmare. Unfortunately, this nightmare has come true for two recent homebuyers in Clermont, Florida. One of the new homeowners, Ester Maritza, invited a local television news station into her home in order to expose...
Oldest Termite Mound Still Standing
Termite mounds are impressive architectural feats, especially for tiny-brained bugs. Many termite species build large mounds that can protrude as high as ten meters from the ground. These mounds are built to be temperature regulated in order to keep termites cool in...
Insect Hotels Are Becoming Popular In America
If you are an insect enthusiast, or if you just appreciate the pollination services provided by flying insects, then you should consider making your own insect hotel. It may be hard to picture what an insect hotel looks like. However, the term “insect hotel” is...