(781) 233-4644 jbozarjian@gmail.com
A Cricket’s Strange Sexual Anatomy

A Cricket’s Strange Sexual Anatomy

It seems that scientists are learning new things about insects everyday. Some of these discoveries may be boring to average Joes with no interest in insects or spiders. But sometimes there is an insect-related story that nobody can avoid reading, or being curious...
Tortoise Beetle Can Break Down Material

Tortoise Beetle Can Break Down Material

A strange looking beetle known as the tortoise beetle is now known for digesting pectin. A plant’s cell wall is made up of pectin and most mammals are unable to digest this material. According to Hassan Salem who is the lead author of the study and a post-doctoral...
Monarch Butterflies Are Stranded

Monarch Butterflies Are Stranded

During the fall season many animals migrate south for the winter. Of course birds are the most well known of migratory animals, but insects can also travel great distances in order to ensure their survival during the winter season. When it comes to migratory insects,...
Monarch Butterflies Are Stranded

Prevent The Spread Of Invasive Insects

Some people cannot wait for the cold winter months to arrive. While other people long for the summer heat. No matter what season you prefer, we can all agree that warming up by the fireplace is one aspect of winter that can be quite pleasant. However, these days...
Monarch Butterflies Are Stranded

The First Organisms To Move From The Sea Onto Land

Even if you are not a science nerd you should remember from your grade school days that all life began in the sea. As time went on, some sea animals moved onto land. We humans, for example, descend from animals that dwelled within the sea hundreds of millions of years...